Earth & Nature poems

Our Mother Earth

© Joshua Isham
This mother Earth,
Who gives us life;
This mother Earth,
Heart filled with strife,

We love her not,
Though love we should;
Her death we plot,
For life's "own good";

She gave us air, and food, and home,
That's not enough we humans scream;
With greedy lust our mouths do foam,
With evil hopes our eyes do gleam;

Her air we fill,
With smoke and death;
Ourselves we kill,
For lack of breath;

The sea once clean,
Now choked with waste;
To drink we fear,
Will death make haste;

The soil once pure,
And full of life;
Now barren sand,
Of farmer's strife;

No longer she,
Can stand our "love";
Now we must flee,
Like scattered dove;

She gave us all,
Unto the end;
Now we appalled,
Our lives defend

Can Earth Be Earth?

© Garvit
Can earth be Earth when all it’s trees are gone,
And sudsy waters have become unfit,
And poisoned life no longer greets the dawn
With raucous sounds that death has caused to quit?
Will trees no longer wave, with limbs unfurled,
On hapless earth, that ever in orbit roams?
Will human ego sacrifice the world
To satiate its lust for pompous homes?
Will distant space look down on orb that’s bald.
I now can hear the mother say,
“I was once called Earth.
But now , bereft of mirth, I weep.
That treeless orb’s no longer Earth”

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